Storme’s Ramblingsname


STORME IS CONFINED TO A HOSPITAL BED. Her incapacity gives her lots of time for introspection, but she doggedly shies away from self-analysis, choosing instead to meander down memory lane to a simpler, happier time. Her memories of choice are of the days she spent growing up in Waterford, Eleuthera in the 1960s. She rambles back to her childhood, where she spent practically every waking moment searching for fruits, berries, birds and adventure that abounded in the bushes in and around the settlement.


STORME IS CONFINED TO A HOSPITAL BED. Her incapacity gives her lots of time for introspection, but she doggedly shies away from self-analysis, choosing instead to meander down memory lane to a simpler, happier time. Her memories of choice are of the days she spent growing up in Waterford, Eleuthera in the 1960s. She rambles back to her childhood, where she spent practically every waking moment searching for fruits, berries, birds and adventure that abounded in the bushes in and around the settlement.
nBut try as she might to inoculate herself from her current reality, her reminisces are not enough to keep her thoughts from returning to the present. She is forced to come face to face with her life and the choices she has made. Though she never actually itemises or even names those choices, she does come to term with them and in so doing, learns to forgive herself. She comes to the realization that life is a series of choices and the choices she has made have determined her destiny.

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