The Role of Chaos in Personal Growth: An Interview with Author KC

Interview by Talking to Authors | Featuring Author KC

Talking to Authors: KC, thank you for joining us. Your Chaos series explores deep and personal themes, and today we’d like to focus on one of the central concepts: chaos. Can you share how chaos played a role in your personal development and growth?

KC: Thank you for having me. Chaos has been a major part of my life, and it’s shaped who I became as an adult. In my book Chaos: In the Shadows, I talk about my stepfather—who I often refer to as my mom’s husband. He was a very violent man, and a lot of that violence stemmed from his interpretation of the Bible. He believed in the idea of “spare the rod, spoil the child,” and he took it to an extreme. Anytime I did something wrong in his eyes, whether it was failing to clean the bathroom properly or not understanding my schoolwork, I got hit. He told me he did it out of love, that he was teaching me to be a good man and father. But all it taught me was that love and violence were intertwined.

This chaos at home shaped my mindset. I began to believe that violence was an acceptable way to show love, which affected my relationships as I grew older. It wasn’t until I went through therapy that I began to unlearn these toxic behaviors. Therapy taught me that love has nothing to do with violence. Instead, love is about communication, setting healthy boundaries, and being open about how you feel. It’s about having those hard conversations, practicing empathy, and seeing things from another person’s perspective.

The chaos in my childhood may have created a lot of negative patterns, but facing it head-on allowed me to break free from them. I had to unlearn what I thought was normal and learn how to love in a healthy way. That’s what the role of chaos has been in my personal growth—a force that challenged me to change and become a better person.

Talking to Authors: In Chaos II: Road to Recovery, you emphasize resilience as a key aspect of personal growth and recovery. Can you elaborate on the power of resilience and how it helped you in your journey?

KC: Resilience has been crucial to my recovery. When I think about resilience, I think about how far I’ve come from where I used to be. My journey hasn’t been easy, especially when it comes to understanding my mental health challenges. For a long time, I didn’t even realize that I was self-medicating with alcohol, drugs, and reckless behavior. It was my way of coping with the pain, but it only made things worse.

The turning point for me was when I was facing a twenty-year to life prison sentence. At that moment, I knew I had to make a change. I started taking medication, but the medication I was prescribed made me feel even worse. That’s when I realized the importance of being your own advocate when it comes to mental health. No one knows you better than you know yourself, and if something doesn’t feel right, you have to speak up.

Resilience, for me, is about finding the courage to seek help even when things seem hopeless. It’s about learning to love yourself, forgiving yourself for your past mistakes, and pushing through the challenges. I’m blessed to have been given a second chance at life, and I wouldn’t have made it without the love and support of my wife, my children, and my real friends. My faith in the Most High also played a huge role in my recovery, giving me the strength to keep going when things got tough.

Resilience isn’t just about bouncing back—it’s about growing through what you’ve been through and coming out stronger on the other side. That’s the lesson I want readers to take from Chaos II: Road to Recovery—no matter how hard life gets, you have the power to overcome it. Purchase on Amazon

Talking to Authors: Your story is truly inspiring, KC. Before we wrap up, could you share how readers can connect with you?

KC: Absolutely. If anyone would like to reach out to me, they can find me on Facebook at AuthorKC7 or on LinkedIn as Author KC. I’m also available for public speaking events, and you can contact me directly via email at I’d love to connect with readers and continue the conversation about mental health, recovery, and personal growth.

Talking to Authors: Thank you, KC, for sharing your story with us today. Your insights on chaos, resilience, and personal growth are sure to inspire many.

KC: Thank you for having me. I appreciate the opportunity to share my journey, and I hope it helps others who are on their own path to recovery.


If KC’s story resonates with you, consider picking up Chaos: I In the Shadows and Chaos II: Road to Recovery. Purchase on Amazon Remember, no matter what challenges you face, resilience and self-love can lead you to a healthier and happier life.

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