Human Relations Indie Book Awards Visit our website for information on the 2020 Human Relations Indie Book Awards.

Deadline is April 1st, 2020 (Early Entry Deadline-March 1st, 2020 for best cost on entry fee.)

This is the fifth year of the Human Relations Indie Book Awards. The 2020 contest has approximately 45 indie book categories that include topics related to human relations issues, memoirs, children’s books with a human relations focus, poetry and the arts human relations books, fiction human relations books and general human relations book categories.

There are also several special needs categories included in this year’s contest. Visit our website at to find out more about the contest.


2020 Human Relations Indie Book Awards Judging Guidelines

The purpose of the Human Relations Indie Book Awards is to recognize indie authors who have written books with a human relations focus related to various interactions among people in different settings such as work, organizations, school, home, family or in personal lives. This is the fifth year of the Human Relations Indie Book Awards.  We had a diverse group of indie authors for the previous years’ awards that ranged from professional perspectives to indie author’s personal journeys of self-reflection and human relationships. Book entries for the 2020 Human Relations Indie Book Awards should be published between 2013 and 2020 and must be received in print version (no ebooks accepted) and written for an English speaking audience. Books can be self-published, independently published or have a creative or scholarly writing approach from smaller publishing companies or presses where the author had a voice in the publishing process.

Each contest category (depending on the number of entries) will recognize Gold, Silver and Bronze award certificate winners and Honorable Mention (s) may also be given to recognize honorable writing in the area of human relations. All book entries will also be considered for the Director’s Choice awards who exhibit outstanding writing in the area of Human Relations. The number and type of Director’s Choice Awards varies each year according to the type of entries received and the selected Director’s Choice winners will receive the award certificate and a gift card.

Each author should complete a book submission form with two copies of the book and the entry fee for each entry. Do not send more than two books no matter how many categories you enter. Authors may enter more than one book category, but will need to mark the additional categories on the book submission form and add the additional entry fee for each category. Entry fees should be paid in check in U.S. dollars or sent with a U.S. postal service money order or American Express money order. No books will be returned after the contest and will be donated to libraries, charities, educational programs or those in need. Entry fees start at $75.00 for the first category ($65.00 for the first category if entry is postmarked by March 1st, 2020), $55.00 for the second category, $45.00 for the third category and $35.00 for the fourth category.

2020 Human Relations Indie Book Awards final deadline for entry is April 1st, 2020- but earlier entries are encouraged to allow more time for judging the book entries. Winners will be announced in May 2020 when judging is completed.

Judges names will not be posted due to confidentiality. Books will be judged on book content, book organization, book presentation and the human relations message conveyed in the book. Judges decisions are final.

A broad range of book categories will provide authors the opportunity to enter one or more categories that may be related to the book’s human relations content. There are approximately 45 categories that include topics related to human relations issues, memoirs, children’s books with a human relations focus, poetry and the arts human relations books, fiction human relations books and general human relations book categories.

Additional information on the 2020 book categories and book submission information will be posted on this website in Jan. 2020. Thanks!

If you would like to be on the 2020 mailing list for information please send an email to:

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