Author Interview with Humorous Satire Writer Victoria Ray

Humorous Satire Fiction Author Interview with Victoria Ray

  Describe yourself in five words.  I am simply awesome! I can also add: kind and flexible.


Which fact about yourself would really surprise people?

I don’t know. I guess quite a lot.

I dislike pranks and I know often people think that I am funny, but I don’t have a sense of humor, not really… Often it takes days to get or understand a joke.

Not a big fan of pranks. I think if you are going to prank me – at least make me laugh. Low effort pranks are annoying and I can ‘unfriend’ you in a heartbeat.

Short-tempered, impulsive, but pragmatic. Very quiet or very loud (depends on the group of people and the mood), mostly – quiet.

I can speed read. Once I read a 100 books in 1 month (for my exams).. If needed I can read 65k book in 1-2 hours. My normal (usual/slow) speed – 453 words in a minute.

I do not remember names. You have to repeat your name a couple of times after you’ve introduced yourself.

I couldn’t speak or write English until I was 26-27 years old.

I tried my first coca cola after 20.
I tried my first hamburger  at 27-28.

At school I was allowed to choose – to visit biology and anatomy classes or not, because I could imagine everything that had been told during the lesson, and… well, faint (state: unconscious!). My imagination is very vivid (example: I can imagine = ‘see it’, kind of literally, how the heart is pumping blood in the real time. Horrific!).

I danced hip-hop in the 90’s.

I ran away from school (at the age of 10-11) – to save a cat…Ended up in police.

I finished school with A+, A and B only. B – for calligraphy, chemistry, physics, gymnastic/sport and math.
I hate to borrow money (so I never do).

I have visited 50 countries.
I was called Sand Queen in my teens, because I spent a lot of time (every day during summer) building castles from the sand.

I never had my own room (until I moved to Sweden). I have my own bathroom and bedroom now along with a library and writing room. Yay!
Can make quick decisions in a stressful environment only* (otherwise I procrastinate).
I really dislike glasses, but I have to wear them.

I can’t drive, can’t bicycle.

Worked on the fields (beetroot, potato, etc… you name it)

Deep water scares me. I never dive or jump.

I am not a ‘hiking material’ (daytime – fine, but I refuse to sleep outside).
My life strategy: 2 steps back – chill – wait – you’ll be there – full force ahead (repeat).

I visited HIM concerts (final tour) in 4 countries and even knocked on Ville Valo’s door in Finland. Thank God he wasn’t home.
…Gosh, am I a stalker?

I had almost 60 accounts on Twitter in 2011-2012.

I met people from IG, Twitter, FB – in real life. Well, it wasn’t always ‘chocolate and flowers’… I wouldn’t advice it.
Once I partied 6 weeks straight ( non-stop, every night!).

Once I was at a reggae club (LA) by myself after 1am. Damn! seems everybody was ‘high’ there. To get away I had to lie (the doors were closed, so weird!) that I’m going to the car (for money or weed, I don’t remember exactly what I said). I had to walk back to the hotel in the darkness, 35-40 minutes. On the street, not so far from the hotel, I met a guy who wanted ‘to talk’. He said he noticed my shoes, he had never seen shoes like mine. Well, they were very cool shoes, ha ha, handmade. So we sat in the lobby and spoke for 1 hour or so… About his fiancé! What a night!

I never smoked and I never used drugs.

I visited Torture Garden in London with an absolutely unknown girl from Poland. I invited her to stay with me in London (via online page) during Halloween week. No, I have never seen her before or after. I invited her as a ‘friend’ (or better say – companion: fun, young female…to hang out with).

I love blues. I could go to jazz club every evening.
Studied Bible every day (during one year).
Ah, and much more. Do I need to continue? It can take forever.

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How do you work through self-doubts and fear?  Time. Food. Nature. Animals. Music. Books… again… Time. Food. Nature. Animals. Music. Books.

What scares you the most? To feel sick is no fun.


 What makes you the happiest? Healthy body and mind, open minded people, freedom, nature, art, music, birds. And…animals in general. Lately – slugs, very fascinating creatures.


 Why do you write? I’m writing only because it is fun. If I don’t feel the joy – I stop writing, taking a break.


Have you always enjoyed writing?

I have to admit, I never dreamed about being a writer. I always wanted to be a librarian, because they can read all day long… what a dream job! I’ve also acted in theatre from very early age. It was fun but I couldn’t see myself as an actress. I guess it has never been my passion, but I was good at it…

Well, my small city had three choices only: Doctor (or nurse), teacher, and accountant.

I can’t do math.

I’m scared of (attention!) my own blood.

So, there wasn’t much choice, as you see. I became a teacher… I love literature.

What motivates you to write?  People. My blog (followers).


 What books did you love growing up? Mostly poetry and adventure/sci-fi. I also read a lot of classics, sometimes I could reread the book 10-14 times.


 Location and life experiences can really influence writing. Tell us where you grew up and where you now live?

I was born in Russia (Moscow), but I grew up in Belarus, in a small town, Orsha… always been ‘good girl next door’.

I moved to Sweden in 2007. I’m living at a 1-hour drive from Stockholm, in a city called Vasteras.


 How did you develop your writing? Copying different genres, styles, authors. My own style: short and odd sentences, text packed with action, sex is a must, but funny or bizarre sex only (unusual and fun, used only as a cool detail), focus on making people smile, sci-fi or fantasy elements. I’m writing usually without plotting. Mostly – kvetching.


What is the hardest – getting published, writing or marketing?  All 3. Marketing – you need money. Publishing – you need an agent. Writing – you need exceptional imagination and fantasy.


 What marketing works for you? Blogs, interviews on blogs, promotion via social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), Amazon or Google ads.


 Do you find it hard to share your work? No. I’m fearless. My niche is a bit crazy but unique. My writing makes people smile and think. Probably some of the stories are quite ‘vulgar’ too, but I think if you read in the description that the book is about ‘Mrs. BouncyTits’ – you can’t expect lullabies or stylish prose.


 Is your family supportive? Do your friends support you? My family is supportive. I don’t have friends (at least I don’t meet anyone on a regular basis… it’s difficult to keep in touch all the time, maybe, because I’m the only child, grew up alone and I’m used to it).


 What else do you do, other than writing? Cooking from scratch, yoga (mornings only), photography, reading…living in NOW.


 What other jobs have you had in your life? Instructor (gym; 1 year), worked in kindergarten (1 year), gala and celebrations organizer (really hated it! – 5 or 6 months), teacher in the primary school – 1 year, teacher in a high school – 6 and a half years.


 If you could study any subject at university, what would you pick?  Psychology.


 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Quiet place, but near the city centre. Maybe Grantchester, UK?


 Tell us about your family? My father has died many years ago (he was an addict, alcoholic). My family – my mother, aunt (lives in Moscow), my cousin, my husband and 2 dogs.


 How do you write – laptop, pen, paper, in bed, at a desk? Longhand (any place/any time), then laptop.


 How much sleep do you need to be at your best?  7-8 hours.


Is there anyone you’d like to acknowledge and thank for their support? Bloggers, fans, people who read my books, my editors and of course, my family.


 Every writer has their own idea of what a successful career in writing is, what does success in writing look like to you?  I have never been very ambitious. I find peace in just being, breathing, cooking, playing with my dogs, reading, traveling, writing…

I guess you can only have a successful career in writing when people know your name. For me (personally) – to sell 50 thousands books a year.


Tell us about your book? Why did you write it? So Absurd It Must Be True is the book that has been developed from the short stories I posted on my blog. The book is… freaky and bizarre. Unique and charming. ‘Quixotic’ and relaxing. All your worries and fears will be cast away because this book will bring you ultimate uplifting and happiness.

It is also odd, absurd, silly, foolish, crazy and hilarious.
I’m introducing very unique literary characters, such as: Mr. TightPants, Ms. LustfulTongue, Mr. HardAsIron, Mrs. BouncyTits and so on.
There is a hidden lesson in every story you’ll read.
Last but not the least – the book is a mix of HUMOR and SCIENCE-FICTION. What is there not to like?..

When you are not writing, how do you like to relax? Doing nothing… damn, it doesn’t sound good, but feels awesome, believe me!


What do you hope people will take away from your writing? How will your words make them feel?  

To smile, to be brave, to change and to follow your heart .. To remember, that “It’s never too late to turn your life in a completely new direction.”


**Do you have links that you’d like to share for others to read? (if so please include in your mail.)** – blog


So Absurd It Must Be True: funny tales for dirty minds (Unique and Absurd Book 1)

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ONE OF A KIND! Odd, bizarre, absurd and addictive! 

As you turn the pages of Victoria Ray’s debut book, you’ll realize, once again, that the mix of humor, erotica and sci-fi is always the best medicine and that absurd things happen all the time, such as:

  • a father of nine, who, on Valentine’s Day, is forced to have sex with every woman he meets;
  • a crazy producer with 50 phobias, one of which is his last name;
  • an author of an unfinished book, spending his days in fear of Mr. Best Seller, pancakes, his wife’s breasts and running;
  • a trip to a place called Escape, where a divorced woman, Mrs. BouncyTits, is surrounded only by hot and lonely men – until her last breath;
  • and much more…

The heaven of all absurd and bizarre is awaiting you on the pages of this book! When we see something strange, we immediately start thinking – anything weird or odd activates our brains! These 42 strange stories are mind opening and will not only make you smile, but will also make you think.

Are you ready to engulf yourself in some silly and dirty tales that will make you smile?
Remember, these are adult stories (18+), so share only with your mature friends!

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