Interview with Fitness Trainer and Author Tracy L Markley

Interview with Fitness Trainer and Author Tracy L Markley

“The Stroke of An Artist” – The Journey of a Fitness Trainer and a Stroke Survivor
“Tipping Toward Balance” – A Fitness Trainers Guide to Stability and Walking

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What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I am the owner of a fitness studio Tracy’s Personal Training, Pilates & Yoga, When I am not training clients and teaching Pilates and Yoga Classes, I enjoy hiking with friends and my dog. I love having sushi with friends.

 When did you write your first book and how old were you?

My first book published last November (less then 5 months ago) 2 days before my 52nd birthday. It was a 2 year project, so I can say I began writing my first book when I was 50.

What does your family think of your writing?

My family is proud of me.  Many of them do what I teach in the books for fitness and well being.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

Lol, it can be hard work. I learned the difference between writing how I talk and writing for reading purpose. When the books begin editing process, especially with the first book, all the changes needed to read well over.. just talking in words on paper.. thinking it all sounded right.

Tipping Toward Balance:

A Fitness Trainer’s Guide To Stability and Walking

In this book I share eight exercises and the reasons why they have helped clients regain their balance. These particular exercises have helped clients stop tripping and falling and to regain the ability to feel safe in movement again. I also share some short stories of clients who all have various reasons for losing their balance.

A range of personal and specific factors may play a role in the body’s balance and walking gait as they become off-kilter. This leaves people feeling unsafe in their movements, which, in turn, causes the walking gait to change and slow down because they feel out of balance or unstable. At this point, individuals may find themselves tripping often and/or falling down.
At any age, but often as we get older, the body can become weaker. That can be due to illness, lack of exercise, neurological challenges or a diagnosed condition. In many of these cases, the body begins to move more slowly. You can feel unsafe in everyday movements, even just walking. The center of the body, known as the core, must be built up in strength for the rest of the body to be able to perform movements at their best. Frequently, building core strength is thought to be achievable only when you get down on the floor and do crunches. Many clients with weakness or stability issues do not feel safe getting down to the floor. Consequently, that leaves them thinking it is a lost cause to attempt to strengthen the core muscles. Thankfully, this is not the truth.

Are you frustrated with stubbing your toe? Do you look in the mirror to see if you’re growing a dowager’s hump? Do you find yourself unsure and tentative about your movements? All that and more was “me.” No more! I’ve been working with the author of this book for 14 months. The exercises in this little gem are a significant part of what I have been doing. I don’t shimmy, wobble or wiggle anymore unless I’m on the dance floor. Yippee! I’m 71 and proud of my new-found confidence and strength. It needn’t take a lot of time once you get these simple exercises perfected. It DOES take performing them properly and being consistent and persistent over time. No, you won’t become an overnight sensation on the dance floor. But this works. It did for 104 year old Essie and it does for me and for the others whose inspiring stories the author uses to illustrate the science behind the exercise. What have you got to lose? Not much. What have you got to gain? The sense of confidence and control that you had when you were 21 and didn’t have to be cautious about your every move: You just moved. No overnight miracles promised. No payments of $19.99 for life. Just proven exercises to make you feel younger and more confident. That’s a small miracle, don’t you think? ~ Shimmying? Wobbling? Wiggling? Don’t want to? This book has the solution: Wiggle only when YOU want to.

Hope MacManus


How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I have written 3. 2 have published.  I love them both, but at this time the first book is a favorite because it was very special story of the journey of myself as a fitness trainer and a unique stroke survivor client. I learned so much on this journey, the client was very in-tuned and was an perfect example to others and his story brought hope to many. A touching and inspiring story, also filled with education for others, trainers and survivors.

 Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they

My best advice I received was “Friends don’t let friends edit”. Use a real editor.  It one is writing a true story or to teach others things they have learned in life.. . write from your heard, stay real and readers will relate better.

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?

Yes, I do.  I have received some great feedback on both books. The first lead to interview via Skype to someone in Austrailia. It was listed on national stroke association website as well as I have been called to speak at a recovery support group. I have been mentioned on Facebook posts that the book was a Godsend, I was told things like, the book really helped them, It helped their friends or family member in recovery.. This new book Tipping Toward balance, I am just beginning to get feedback. A reader back home in California, where I am from, told me he was ordering a balance disc as he was standing on his BOSU ball at home after he read the book. He began doing everything I the book the day he read it and he has contacted me a few times asking me questions. As well as both books have had very wonderful reviews on Amazon.  I had one woman I met in a private stroke recovery group tell me she loved the book. Then wrote she wish she knew how to stretch one of the muscles I show and talk about in the book. So I made a short/quick youtube video to the difference was of stretching this muscle and posted it for her and others. She then sent me a note saying I was her hero.  Very sweet.

The Stroke of An Artist:

The Journey of a Fitness Trainer and a Stroke Survivor

This is a journey of a personal fitness trainer and a stroke survivor client. This inspiring journey will bring hope and encouragement to those in recovery and their friends and family. The anatomy illustrations help bring more awareness and knowledge of the body and why specific muscles must be strengthened to bring back safety, strength and spatial awareness with movement.

There are two goals for this book. One sent personally from Gary’s heart with hopes that his story will help others in the same struggle he had faced. Don’t Give Up! Never Quit! He encouraged others.

As the fitness trainer, I wish the same, as well as I hope this journey helps bring insight and education to fellow fitness professionals to help them on their Journeys with stroke survivor clients.

What a positive, moving account of the journey of Gary, a challenged stroke survivor and Tracy, his amazing trainer. What they accomplished together is truly miraculous. The book is written from the heart of a caring, committed, professional trainer. You find yourself rooting for Gary and at the same time admiring both Gary and Tracy for their perseverance. This book offers encouragement both trainers and stroke survivors, showing that commitment, knowledge, and the willingness to learn accomplishes amazing things. It is inspiring and educational. I sincerely recommend that anyone who is interested in the human body and what it can do read this wonderful book. ~ Inspiring and educational



Do you like to create books for adults or children…Why?

My two books are fitness, health-related they can be used for adult or kids with the needs addressed in the books, but it was created for the idea the adults would read them, It can be adults with kids, adults who work in the fitness/physical therapy industry… to use with kids.  If that makes sense.

 What do you think makes a good story?

I like true stories that at the end of the story, one leaves feeling good when finished.

 As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

I wanted to be a school teacher and at times I wanted to be an author and be interviewed on television.  I am a teacher, but in fitness and I have had facebook live interviews and skype.. no television yet.. but I hope that can happen one day.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I have always seen me write. I even began to wring things but never took I seriously. It was almost just journaling thing I had gone through in my life.. thinking.. my life could be a story, I have been through a lot.   Then I would get sad and stop.. I didn’t want to relive things. But when it came to the story with my stroke survivor it just felt right and flew smoothly to do it..

How long does it take you to write this books?

My first book took 2 years to get published form the start point of beginning to put it together in a book.  The second book I wrote it in just a couple months. My third book, I am thinking to be as my 3rd book, that is…… Is something I actually wrote and put together when I was 21, going through a hard time. I would read it when I felt alone or discouraged.   So, it is written but needs to be redone into a format like my other 2 books

How you become a published author? Any inspiration?

When I found out we can self-publish, that helped me. I was encouraging to me to move forward knowing I did not have to pay someone 8 to 10 grand… or some large price to edit and publish…  This made it be a possible task and goal to meet.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

Its all my knowledge and experience of being in this industry for over 20 years.  Learning form educators, clients, what works and doesn’t work .

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

I work Tues through Saturday, pretty much full time, with client training and fitness classes. But work schedule as writing work.. well, whenever I could get it in and had the mindset to focus.  I tried to dedicate weekends or full days off to writing,  But I noticed some days my mindset could do it for hours and hours and other days… If may feel frustrating.. so I would step away for a day or few days.

What brought you to write this book series?

2 reasons. One. For giving hope and education to individuals with the physical challenges addressed in both books.  Two, to bring education and knowledge that I have and learned with working with all these clients.. to share what worked with other fitness professionals with hopes it will encourage them to learn more so they can possibly help clients at the best.  I feel if we can bring clients to the best recovery and training if we have the most knowledge possible. I feel if we limit our knowledge we limit our clients progress and recovery/changes etc and I don’t thing that is fair to them. In fact with my first book, when It was just getting ready to publish…. Out of the blue I got a thought that if I would have limited my education I would have limited this wonderful man’s stroke recovery… and he would have always thought. “oh I had a stroke, that is why I have so many limits still”. When in fact it would have been because he had a trainer without the knowledge needed to bring him as far as he got.  That made me feel good, but it also made me cry and I thought “Wow, that is huge” and it would have been so unfair of me to pretend I knew things and limit his movement and mobility and quality of life.


Fitness Educators Certifications & Live Workshops
AFAA – Athletes and Fitness Association of America & FiTOUR®
AFAA & Fitour are Leaders in the Fitness Education Industry
Best Selling Author of the Book: “The Stroke of An Artist”

Tracy Holds Professional On-Site Fitness Certification Programs & Professional
Fitness C.E.C Workshops with FiTOUR®, as a Educator/Preseneter in the Fitness Industry.
Tracy has been approved with AFAA as Workshop Examiner
BOSU® Master Trainer Specialty Certified
Her education, experience and good reputation in the fitness industry has been
recognized and accepted as a leader in fitness education.

Tracy has been in the fitness field for over 23 years.
She was “Tracy’s Personal Training & Boot Camps in Huntington Beach, CA for 17 years.

She has the following Education & Certifications:
College Certified by O.C.C. Health & Physical Education Division:
Health Fitness Specialist & Personal Trainer
Dance & Group Exercise Leader
Certificate in Fitness & Nutrition
Certified Biomechanics Specialist

The Certifications Below Are listed under categories of client
interest under Fitness Topics and/or Exercise Modality
Listing certs & education which qualifies Tracy to teach to her best of
knowledge for each specific Topic.

Core Strength & Functional Fitness Certifications
Certificate-Postural Analysis Specialist Professional Training Program
Certificate-Total Body Flexibility Professional Training Program
C.H.E.K Institute teaches Corrective High-Performance Exercise Kinesiology
C.H.E.K. – Certificate-Functional Anatomy of the Core
C.H.E.K Scientific Core Conditioning
C.H.E.K – Certificate-Dynamic Medicine Ball Training
Twist Conditioning – Unified Balance & Linked Strength
Twist Conditioning _ Stability, Mobility & Fundamental Skills

Post Injury Fitness
Functional Anatomy of the Back
AFAA – Injury Prevention Series – Understanding Injuries, The Spine, Lower Body, Upper
Fitour -Core & Functional Training
Fitour – Stability Ball Fitness
Stability Ball Pro-Trainer Holds Certification Workshops
Core & Functional Training Pro-Trainer Holds Certification Workshops in
Core Fitness & Swiss Ball Exercise Workshops
NESTA Biomechanics Specialist – John Spencer Ellis
BOSU Master Trainer Specialty Certification
BOSU Complete Workout System Certification
Certified Primary & Advanced Pilates Instructor – Joseph Pilates Method
Certified Pilates Reformer Instructor
Fitour Pilates Master Practitioner
AFAA Practical Pilates
AFAA Beyond Matt Science
FiTOUR Pro-Trainer Holds Live Certification Workshops in Pilates
Certified HATHA Yoga Instuctor – Nationally Yoga Certified
Certified Cloud Nine Yoga – R.M. Teacher Trainer Level I, II & III
Fitour Yoga Pro-Master Practitioner
NESTA Sport Yoga Instructor Certified – John Spenser Ellis
AFAA Beyond Matt Science, Practical Yoga, Sunrise Yoga,Yoga Essentials
Internationally Certified Laughter Yoga
Certified Mind & Body Fitness Instructor
Certified Prana Healing Practitioner – Level I
FiTOUR Pro-Trainer Holds Live Holds Certification Workshops for Yoga
Personal Training
College Certified Health Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer
College Certified Fitness Specialist
Ftiour – Primary & Advanced Personal Trainer
Fitour – Master Trainer Practitioner
FiTOUR Pro-Trainer Holds Live Certification Workshops In Personal Training
NESTA Biomechanics Specialist
(All education on this page applies to personal, group & port Fitness Training
Group Exercise
AFAA Group X Instructor – AFAA Group X Examiner/Workshops with AFAA
YMCA – Aerobic Instructor Training Program – Step & Dance (6 week course)
F.F.C Family Fitness Centers – Aerobic Instructor Certification Program
Orange Coast College Certified Dance & Group Exercise Leader
Kick Boxing Certification & AFAA Kick Boxing Skills & Drills
Group Barbell Certification
Step Certification
Fitour Group Exercise Instructor
FiTOUR Pro-Trainer Holds LiveCertification Workshops Group X
Aqua Fitness
Aqua Fitness Instructor
Fitour Aqua Fitness Practitioner
FiTOUR Pro-Trainer Holds Live Certifications Workshops in Aqua Fitness

Certificate Exercise and Fibromyalgia
Certificate Exercise and Arthritis
Certificate Exercise and Osteoporosis
Certificate Exercise and Diabetes

CPR – AED & First Aid Certified w/American Heart Association

Member of:
AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America
NESTA (National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association)
IDEA Health and Fitness Association

Tracy was voted top 5 Personal Trainers in Orange County and Top 5 Boot Camps in
Orange County in MyFox LA’s Hotlist in for over 2 years.

Books By Tracy

What’s next for you? What are you working on now?

Building my fitness business..but as for books. I am ready to do my book signing for Tipping Toward Balance, scheduled for April 21st 2018. I am in the marketing of this book now. I have sent copies to different connections like fall prevention groups. This book is an excellent resource for fall prevention with seniors and anyone with the challenge they have gained as in tripping and or falling down, losing balance, feeling unsafe in movement and walking.  Then I will put the 3rd book together

About your book/s

My books are to help others and give them hope. They are also to share what I know and what worked with clients to the fitness industry.

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